Simple is Good

I finally noticed a newsboy walk to a car to peddle his paper. It was a simple but exhilarating experience. Like times were slowly back to normal. Maybe not for some time. But perhaps because we have been travelling with specific intentions we no longer looked out of our windows to notice the world moving around us.

The sky is clearer. Not much smog from the vehicles that ply the routes. No sudden stops of jeepneys, lesser traffic hassles. I like driving now. I arrive in my normally hour and a half ride to the office from home, in just fifteen minutes. Yep! That’s how packed the streets are in the old normal.

So if there is one thing I want to keep as a result of the pandemic, it is the easy streets.

When we pass by people in grocery lines, we have learned to be more conscious of space.  Respectful of who is ahead. We toe the line and keep out of each other’s way, some by fear of contamination, some by the habit of conduct. We have learned to be more considerate and mindful of others in the positive sense, now taking time to greet and encourage those we meet.  Asking the guards we used to just pass by how they are and wishing them well as we silently pray for their safety.

Noting how expensive ordinary vegetables have become, we learned to grow our own vegetables again. We are able to catch up with what needs to be mended and do our sewing, or carpentry or whatever hobby we used to have. And, in spite of social distancing, we realize we connect more with our friends and family better, using technology to reach each other. Now we’re talking, and not just postponing conversations or being present at dinner while our mind wanders off to some project or work that needs to be done.

We are more conscientious with our exercises, making it part of our daily priorities. No longer setting it aside in a time we will eventually schedule because we are busy with so many things. God placed a halt in our schedule. So we are able to focus on the essential. The real way of living. The actual design of how life should be lived.

Now we find time to pray, or simply talk with God – daily. The months that we have been on whatever form of quarantine, we restored our connection with the Lord. It is refreshing.  Conversations with God or reading the Bible is not just for Sundays. Our faith is exercised every day. Perhaps this is what God really wants us to go back to. Be in touch with Him, ourselves, and what really matters.

When we skip the thought of the pandemic, and look at the other side of the coin, we realize, there is also a lot to be thankful for.

Live simply. Simple is good. God bless everyone.

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