Philippine Olympic Committee: Civil war?

Civil war: War between geographical sections or political factions of the same nation. – Collins Dictionary

Don’t look now, but there is brewing, some would say boiling, discontent among the old guard (and some of the new arrivals) at the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC). It all stems from the traditional perks that some national sports association (NSA) heads expected to have during the Asian Games in Indonesia. A few of the more senior NSA heads were anticipating (and some openly asked for) a free ride to Jakarta and Palembang. This includes a handful who did not have anything to do in Indonesia, seeing as their sports were not included. Much to their consternation, it did not happen.

First of all, POC president Ricky Vargas did not see the need for expensive business class or first class plane tickets to Indonesia. It isn’t a long-haul flight, after all. So any discomfort would be short-lived. Secondly, as in the past, these few NSA heads were expecting to be billeted in five-star hotels. A couple openly complained, even though they were in decent accommodations. Third, some balked at the lower per diem they received. Lastly, they grumbled when Vargas required them to write daily reports as part of their duties while at the Games.

To begin with, the money being spent is not their money. It is either government funding from the Philippine Sports Commission, money raised by the POC through private sponsorships, or, when applicable, assistance from Olympic Solidarity (more on this in a future column). The question this brouhaha begs to be answered is this: how will giving an official a room with fluffier pillows and a bathtub help the athletes perform better? The days of junkets at our expense are over, and some people can’t accept it.

As a result of this “affront” to their dignity, there have been attempts to persuade Vargas to play ball with the politicos in the POC. One NSA official (an incumbent lawmaker, at that) has allegedly even offered to be Vargas’ “political adviser”. Given all the self-sabotaging advice they’ve been trying to give Vargas, he’s far too smart to fall for that, either. Failing that gambit, the old guards are now circling the wagons, supposedly in a plan to unseat him. And their alleged frontrunner runs a sports mired in controversy for staking claim to a discipline that they have no right to. All this, just for the perks which are not provided for in the POC constitution. You can tell that such a conspiracy would fail.

And they say it’s the millennials who are an entitled bunch. The problem is that some of these officials live in a feudal system, the bane of the free world since the eighth century.

To wit:

feudal system – the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal. –

Their actions imply that they are of a higher class than the athletes whom they claim to serve. That they are masters and everyone beneath them are slaves. That they should be given what they want, simply because they want it. Well, that’s not going to happen, apparently. They’re now dealing with a team of professionals who have run multi-billion dollar conglomerates, and can tell the right way from the wrong way of doing things. Therefore, unnecessary expenses are closely scrutinized. Also, going on a paid vacation at the time and place when people are under the most pressure to perform is not only callous, but downright insulting.

Instead of celebrating a decent performance in the Asian Games or deciphering what we could have done better, they’re complaining about their personal comfort and the fact that they were made to work. That proves that they’re only in it for themselves. Who do these people think they are?

And if Vargas and company have done anything truly egregious, why aren’t these people running to the media, or even the PSC, which has oversight functions? They know how childish it would look to whine about what isn’t yours, to begin with. Better to keep it on the down low.

Vargas and his team are bent on doing what is right, no matter what.

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