5-game run takes toll on hurting Archers

MANILA, Philippines - Injuries are piling up for La Salle Green Archers as fast as they racked up five straight wins to turn things around after a lousy start in the UAAP Season 77 men’s basketball wars. The defending champions hope the guys on sick bay will recover sooner as they brace for a tougher grind in the second round.

“It (health issue) is going to be big because now we’re down to nine (healthy) players. I don’t even know if we can practice five-on-five. Probably I’ll ask (assistant) coach Allan (Caidic) to join practice,” said coach Juno Sauler in jest after the Archers thumped University of Santo Tomas, 83-70, to finish the initial round with 5-2 and joint second.

Guard Kib Montalbo left the UST game with a pulled calf muscle, an injury that would take a week or two to heal. Big man Norbert Torres also exited after suffering a cut on his finger and would need three to five days to recover.

They joined three others who already missed out the duel with the Tigers – Arnold van Opstal (achilles, 3-5-day recovery period), Thomas Torres (foot, two more weeks), and Terrence Mustre (wrist, one week).

Despite the manpower woes, the Archers found a way to emerge victorious, with shock troopers stepping up to support usual scorers Jeron Teng (22) and Jason Perkins (15). Julian Sargent fired 10 markers, including nine in their fourth-quarter breakaway, while guard Robert Bolick (5) and frontliners Yutien Andrada (4) and Abu Tratter (4) filled in for Montalbo and Torres, helping contain Kevin Ferrer and Karim Abdul.

“I think they (bench players) are up to the challenge. I’m sure they’re eager to show that they can contribute,” said Sauler.

“I’m confident with our rookies. Anytime they’re given the chance, they’ll step up for the team. And It showed in this game,” said the 6-foot-2 Teng.

The Archers’ five-game roll put them right behind arch rival Ateneo (6-1) as the tourney hit the halfway point.

“It’s not really the streak but the team growing, especially coming to the second round. And hopefully, we can get healthier,” he said.


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