NLEX takes over Air21 franchise for P100M?

MANILA, Philippines - Metro Pacific Investments Corp. (MPIC) has taken over the Air21 ball club, as approved by the PBA board of governors in a meeting yesterday at the PBA office in Libis, Quezon City.

“I’m pleased to announce that the PBA board of governors approved unanimously the assignment, transfer and sale of the rights over an existing member team to MPIC which will carry the name the NLEX Warriors,” said PBA commissioner Chito Salud.

“Therefore for the next season, the PBA will be having two expansion teams in Blackwater Sports and Team Kia and one other new team taking over Airfreight 2100 Inc.,” Salud added.

PBA board chairman Mon Segismundo lauded the new development, saying the 12-team roster is a first in the PBA while disclosing three more firms have signified their intention to join the league.

“With the approval of the Air21 sale to NLEX by the PBA board, there were many firsts: two expansion teams and one franchise transfer all in one year; dispersal draft in a long while, and number of team now at 12,” said Segismundo.

“A PBA franchise is a worthy investment with tangible and intangible returns. At least three more are knocking on our doors,” Segismundo also said.

In gaining the league’s board nod on their purchase of the Air21 franchise, the Warriors became the third PBA team under the MVP Group after the Talk n Text Tropang Texters and the Meralco Bolts.

“I’m not at liberty to divulge the amount of the purchase. It will be there in the memorandum of agreement to be submitted to the PBA,” said NLEX team manager Ronald Dulatre, hinting, though, that it’s not far beyond the P100 million they were to pay the PBA had they joined the league as an expansion team.

“It’s close to that,” said Dulatre, adding their immediate concern now is to evaluate their current coaching staff, led by Boyet Fernandez, in preparation for the coming dispersal draft then the rookie draft.

There were reports that top officials in the MVP Group were looking at bringing coach Jong Uichico over to NLEX.

“Mr. MVP will have the final say on that,” said Dulatre.

NLEX has actually also absorbed Air21’s current coaching staff led by Franz Pumaren. Dulatre said their contracts expire on August.

“We absorbed 15 Air21 players and we also have to evaluate the roster to decide on who to put on the protect list and who are not for the coming dispersal draft (for expansion teams Team Kia and Ever Bilena),” said Dulatre.

On the coming rookie draft, NLEX may be third or fourth in the draft order.

“That’s part of the evaluation – who do we pick? But whatever position do we need, I think we can fill it up from our D-League team. We have able players there on all spots,” said Dulatre.



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