Saver’s Comclark stays at helm

Christian Motors’ Eduardo Baguisa           ANDY ZAPATA JR.

BAGUIO, Philippines - – Saver’s Comclark put in 88 points at the tougher Baguio Country Club layout and posted a six-point lead over the host club in the third round of the seniors Fil Flight A division of the 64th San Miguel Fil-Am Golf Championship here yesterday.

Eduardo Baguisa of Christian Motors shared the spotlight when he scored a hole-in-one on No. 13 of Camp John Hay and won a GPS Tracker. He used a 7-iron Beres (Honma) and Titleist Pro-VI ball in acing the 140-yard hole, his second after making a hole-in-one at Valley Golf’s Executive course six months ago.

Noel Yamzon shot 26 Molave points, while Willy Valencia, Rene Mangio and Vivencio Pecson added 22, 21 and 19 points for Saver’s Comclark’s 88 points for a 54-hole aggregate of 282.  

BCC stood six points behind at 276 while Villamor had a 264 total for third in the annual event backed by San Miguel Corp. as title sponsor and presented by Toyota.

In the Am Championship at John Hay, BCC and Christian Motors churned out an 84-point output to share the lead at 237 with Guam Seniors staying just behind at 235 on a day when the premier Fil and Am championship division took a break.

Pepe Perez scored 23 points, Pat Manuel had 22, Dan dela Cruz added 21 and Baguisa chipped in 18 markers for Christian Motors, which had a 237 after an 84.

BCC, which slowed down with 74 points, drew 19 points each from Nueva Ecijanos Benito Ang and Ben Liclican and a pair of 18s from Luis Sison and Billy Dulay.

Megafiber, meanwhile, tries to pad its lead as it resumes its title drive in the Fil Championship division today at the BCC layout. Megafiber produced a 234 in two days for an 11-point lead over Pugo Adventure, which had a 223.

Defending champion Camp John Hay Seniors slid to third at 218 after one of its members played with a non-conforming driver and was penalized.  Manila Southwoods was fourth at 212.

In other divisions, Square and Compass (65-81) and Fil-Am Florida (68-78) shared the lead at 146 in Fil Flight B while Fil-Hawaiian Golf Club (75-79) pulled away from Beverly Place (60-67), 154-127, in Am Flight B.

The event is backed by Wilson, Rudy Project, Empire Golf, Megafiber, Pacsports, BCC, CJH Manor, Poro Point Thunderbird Resorts, Forest Lodge, Le Chef, Rizgolf, CJH Dev. Co., John Hay Coffee Services, University of Baguio, Alveo, North Luzon Expressway, The Residences at Brent, GPS Tracker and GMJ Constructors.

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