World Cup sidelite: Proud to be Pinoy

MELBOURNE – Just seeing one’s national flag fluttering in a World Cup scale is enough to give one a moving sense of pride. And Angelo Que wants to relish the rare moment.

Already overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and sympathy from his fellow World Cuppers following the country’s – or perhaps the world’s worst natural disaster two weeks ago – Que found one more reason to be upbeat and inspired after organizers hoisted the Philippine flag alongside the event, sponsor and host club’s banners on tee No. 1 in a show of support to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in Eastern Visayas.

“It makes you proud to be a Filipino, seeing our flag waving there on No. 1,” said Que as he made the turn at one-under in the third round of the World Cup here yesterday.

“It’s gone past my expectations. From the support that we got from the tournament players and sponsors, everyone has been so supportive after what happened in the Philippines two weeks ago,” said Que.

“They even had the Philippine flag on the first tee to support us so it really feels good to be a Filipino playing in this event,” he added.

Although teammate Tony Lascuña had a day he would rather forget after fumbling with a 77 after an impressive 70 and 71, Que was doubly delighted to have seen the national flag waving and shooting a red number for the first time in three tries.              

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