Former Giant back on his feet, visits old haunts

Eugene Tejada is back – up on his feet.

The former Purefoods forward, who took a very nasty fall that cut short his basketball career almost two years ago, arrived yesterday morning from San Francisco where he’s been facing the tedious road to recovery.

Tejada flew in at 4:50 a.m. with his parents Danilo and Gigi, and brother James on board a Philippine Airlines plane. He looked so glad to be back, showing that he could now stand on his feet after a long bout with paralysis.

Tejada moved on a wheelchair or aided by a pair of crutches, but the sight of the 6-foot-4 getting up on his own, standing tall, smiling, in his gray, sporty outfit, was a huge sign of his determination, his will to move on.

“It’d been a long process and a lot of therapies but I’m okay now. I’m happy to be back,” said Tejada, at 25 still looking at his future in life.

“There are many others who get injured and they cannot walk anymore. I’m really truly blessed I was able to stand and walk again. I miss basketball but I’m done playing. It’s not ‘gonna happen anymore,” Tejada added.

“I’m okay now. I’m getting better. And I’m happy to be home for the first time since my accident in 2006. I feel more comfortable now and I’m happy I’m blessed that a lot of people knew my situation.”

Tejada suffered the injury during a rebound play against Red Bull’s Enrico Villanueva and Mick Pennisi last May 14, 2006, which fell on Mother’s Day, at the Ynares Center in Antipolo. He lay motionless on the Purefoods court for nearly an hour before an ambulance came, rushing him to the Makati Medical Center.

After months of confinement at the Makati Med, Tejada was later brought to the Sun Valley Medical Center in San Jose, California by his parents for continued medications and rehabilitation.

“The doctors at the Washington Center in California are very aggressive teaching me how to walk again. It’s tough but I did what I can. And I’m really okay now,” said Tejada.

All’s not lost for Tejada because there’s life after basketball, after the injury.

“Right now I’m looking into hotel management in San Francisco where I live. I just came here for three weeks of vacation just to see my friends and to watch a couple of basketball games. It’s been a long time since my accident,” he said.

Tejada’s peers welcomed his return.

“I’m so happy for ET (Tejada). He kept his part of our agreement that he’ll walk again,” said Purefoods governor Rene Pardo.

“The Lord really works in mysterious ways. Since the tragedy, he has always been a part of our team’s daily prayers. With the development, it has definitely strengthened my belief that the Lord listens to us and our prayers will be granted in His time,” said coach Ryan Gregorio.

“The news comes as a welcome relief to us specially with the recent debacle that we experienced in our All-Filipino campaign. Yes, there are a lot of reasons to celebrate and the EugeneTejada miracle is surely at the top of my list,” he added.

“Answered prayer. God is good all the time. This would be an inspiration to everyone not to give up on any trial,” said team manager Alvin Patrimonio.

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