Rep. Arnaiz, NPC bets for PB (2nd dist) file CoCs

 DUMAGUETE CITY, Philippines  – Reelectionist Rep. George Arnaiz (2nd district, Negros Oriental) of the NPC and the party’s complete slate for the Provincial Board have filed their CoCs for the May 2013 polls.

Arnaiz, now in his last term as representative and is the provincial chairman of NPC, was joined later by his PB bets for the 2nd district: Incumbent PB Members Erwin Michael Macias and Melimoore Saycon, former PB member Mariant Escaño Villegas and City Councilor Rommel Erames.

The congressman dispelled rumors that he will be running for governor, saying that he is supporting the gubernatorial candidacy of former Finance Secretary Margarito “Gary” Teves and runningmate, reelectionist Vice Governor Apolinario Arnaiz Jr.

The NPC bets for mayors in the 2nd district are complete, he said. Except for one, they are all reelectionists: Mayors Manuel Sagarbarria of Dumaguete City, Marcela Bartoces of Sibulan, Carmelo Remollo of San Jose Bentham dela Cruz of Amlan, Lawrence Teves of Tanjay City, Apollo Arnaiz of Pamplona and Ernesto Uy of Mabinay.

Mercy Goñi of Bais City will be the official NPC bet for mayor against former Mayor Hector “Tata” Villanueva who is expected to make a comeback.

Also expected to contest the congressional seat in Arnaiz’s district are incumbent Mayor Karen Villanueva of Bais City and Raul Aniñon.  (FREEMAN)

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