Gearing Up for the Future: The Philippine Mortuary Association

MANILA, Philippines - “A house divided cannot stand against itself,” so once said former United States president Abraham Lincoln. Taking this great remark as a basis for their organization’s principles, The Philippine Mortuary Association continues to make great strides in the industry by strengthening the ties that bind every PMA member.

Achieving goals and raising the bar in their field of work is never easy, which is why PMA president Renato S. Dychangco called on PMA members to remain steadfast in their pursuit to deliver above par services in the field of funeral service.

“We are all travelling together in the same boat called ‘funeral service’. We must work together to prevent anyone from making holes in the boat. It is our goal this year that we all come together and work closely to build our profession as a strong and viable enterprise,” he said during PMA’s 6th Annual Convention held last February 17-19, 2011.

The convention, themed “Bringing Mortuary Owner Closer to Each Other”, gathers the PMA members to compare notes, share best practices and update their services by learning about the new trends and technology that would benefit their services.

PMA has constantly been holding meetings and consultations throughout the year to refine their business approach. Members are encouraged to share their concerns and discuss possible solutions that would help resolve the issues at hand.

The association has also taken a greener approach in their business recently. This is in acknowledgement of the need to resort to environment-friendly measures as we now feel the effects of climate change. Greener funeral alternatives such as “green” urns, caskets and embalming products have been introduced in line of this greening initiative.

Like the rest of the members and officers of PMA, Dychangco is looking towards a brighter future for their industry. This is why the convention serves as a perfect platform for the furthering of the organization’s principles and goals.

“This is the perfect forum for growth, relationship building and discovery,” he said.

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