The Greatest Sermon in the World

"...A large crowd of His disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coast of Tyre and Sidon, who had come to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch Him because power was coming from Him and healing them all." – Luke 6:17-19

The world has seen great orators–from Demosthenes, Cicero and Plato in Ancient Greece, to Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill in modern times–to say nothing of the long list of names in between. But no one ever has or ever will deliver such a powerful message as came from the lips of Jesus Christ and was recorded by Matthew and Luke in the New Testament. History descriptively calls it "The Sermon on the Mount."

Though it certainly doesn’t contain all the teachings of Jesus Christ, it does contain the heart of His teaching. The problems of the heart, the family and the world can find resolution and healing in the marvelous principles that are found in this discourse.

Those who deal with the needs of people are sensitive to people-related problems which others often miss. So Luke–bless his heart–as a medical doctor describes the needs of people who had come to hear Jesus, people with physical and emotional pain and suffering. He makes it clear that what Jesus said was a response, a pointed straight-on-answer to their deep needs.

Furthermore these timeless guidelines found in Jesus’ message are not simply words addressed to a large group of people assembled in the spring of A.D. 26. Rather, they are timeless remedies to the sickness that tear our lives apart today. In this we find fundamental principles or guidelines for our conduct, our attitude, and our spirit, which are the same needs in every generation.

Before you can ever really connect with God in such a way that your needs are met, you have to know that God is not a disinterested sovereign, way out there somewhere, but that He loves you so much He sent His Son to your planet, to your neighborhood, to show you that He cares. On several occasions, the writers of Scripture tell us that when Jesus saw the crowds of people, His heart was moved with compassion. And this word compassion means to feel what someone else feels, to hurt where he or she hurts, to relate emotionally to the pain he or she is experiencing.

Experiencing the compassionate touch of Jesus in our lives will right a tremendous amount of wrong and bring healing to our hearts and lives.

Do yourself a favor. Take time to read Matthew 5-7 and listen for your name as God begins to call out those who need a blessing.

Resource Reading: Luke 6:17-26

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