Bilateral Relations

The long-standing love-hate relationship between RP and the US turned into a warm, friendly bilateral agreement at the inauguration of the new Phil-Am Educational Foundation (paef) building in Makati.

US Chargé d’ Affaires Robert Fitts and Counsellor for Public Affairs Dr. Michael Anderson gave meaningful remarks, and the presence of President Arroyo as guest of honor recognized the educational benefits Filipino grantees have been receiving through the Fulbright (1948), East-West Center (1960) and Humphrey (1978) Programs. As "Mike" Anderson pointed out, the Fulbright program is the longest continuing exchange program in the world! And according to Mr. Fitts, GMA’s successful Washington visit has led to the expansion of the various exchange programs.

Hundreds of Filipino grantees have studied in US educational institutions, and I recall having been awed, upon my arrival in Cambridge, at the discovery that even when a Harvard graduate ends up as a bum, he is still regarded as a "bum of distinction".

Age-old Caucasian racism was completely obliterated when the genteel, soft-spoken, personable Netherlands Ambassador Theo Arnold, representing his government, conferred the Prince Claus Award on UP’s Dr. Elena Rivera Mirano, a "contemporary Renaissance person who has dedicated herself to preserving the musical heritage of the Philippines".

Prince Claus is the husband of Queen Beatrix who–to further symbolize Phil-Dutch friendship–saw at the UP Theater in 1961 (she was still Princess Beatrix then) a performance of "Filipinescas: Philippine Life, Legend and Lore in Dance" which demonstrated the pioneering theatricalization of folk dances by its choreographer Leonor O. Goquingco. Princess Beatrix thus witnessed genuine proof of what led Nick Joaquin to conclude in 1961: "Tomorrow’s Philippine dancers will be specially indebted to Leonor."

Austria’s National Day celebration hosted by Ambassador Christian Krepela ended, as to be expected, in mutual expressions of admiration and esteem between RP and Austria.

So Filipino music lovers could listen to the superb German Justus Frantz Quintet, Ambassador Herbert Jess had to balance the tight plane schedule of its members who were staying here for only a few hours before flying to their next engagement! The "miracle" concert was made possible by Mr. Jess, Mandarin Oriental GM Helmut Gaisberger and Mr. Frantz himself.

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