Duterte’s apology

The man finally said sorry and he is forgiven if the gesture is sincere, not just for political expediency. But how can his supporters dismiss his words and actions by saying he was only being real or truthful? Heaven forbid! Both Jesus Christ and the devil are real and deliberate in their intentions with mortal men and women. Yet who deserves worship and who do we abhor and resist?

Rodrigo Duterte, no doubt, has a charismatic persona and appeal to “masa.” Thus he has been topping surveys for presidential candidates. However, the popular Mayor of Davao should “grow” to stop making excuses about his being uncouth and ill-mannered. He should desire to develop not only a constituency, but his ethos and conduct. Otherwise it’s unimaginable that he may someday be the country’s president. The behavior transcends style, in fact way beneath civility.

There is more to truthfulness than being “frank” or crude. Every man’s word and action are a reflection of himself as a total person. Justifying a coarse, offensive joke prior to “apology” about a raped, brutalized and dead missionary woman and admitting to murder of suspected lawless people, the impenitent presidential frontrunner needs biblical repentance beyond remorse.

And with many of our people rationalizing the “joke” and coming to the “strong man’s” defense, there must be something seriously and dangerously wrong with the Filipino psyche or soul. We condemn, not condone depravity. The situation gets to be alarming.

May we all be admonished by The Book, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45) — Reni M. Valenzuela, Quezon City

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