Supplements can’t replace medically proven treatment

When somebody is stricken with illness, many well-meaning friends will offer advises to help aid him to recovery. Some of these are in the form of supplements aiming to “fix” the medical condition.

The recent article on StemEnhance (Nov. 24, 2102 Section E-1, “Second Wind” by Barbara Gonzales) informs us that it is the supplement that will increase the number of circulating adult stem cells in the body to help maintain optimum health. The manufacturer has even produced other stem cell related products which on their website indicates a disclaimer “this statement has not been evaluated by FDA.” The public should be warned about being lured to buy these supplements in the hope of curing their illness despite the fact that the bottle labels state “no therapeutic claims.”

The StemEnhance active product is an algae called Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, which is a freshwater species of cyanobacteria for which most sources worldwide are toxic, containing both hepatic and neuroendotoxins. To quote: “University professor Daniel Dietrich warned parents not to let children consume A. flos-aquae products, since children are even more vulnerable to toxic effects, due to lower body weight, and the continuous intake might lead to accumulation of toxins. Dietrich also warned against quackery schemes selling these cyanobacteria as medicine against illnesses such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, causing people to omit their regular drugs.”

In general, we do not promote using supplements with no therapeutic claims in replacing sound medically-proven treatment. Supplements and vitamins should never be a substitute or should not be used as “alternative therapy” to evidence-based scientific treatment, but rather should be used as “complementary therapy” with standard treatment along with proper diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle. It is better to get vitamins from healthy eating, rather than from taking supplements. —Philippine Society of Medical Oncology (PSMO), 14th Floor, North Tower CHBC Bldg., St. Luke’s Medical Center, Quezon City

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