Young blood, new ideas

MANILA, Philippines - With regards to the April 15 column of Babes Romualdez, on the recent defections of officials from Lakas-Kampi-CMD, we would like point out that the ruling party is evolving into a party of freshness, young blood, new ideas and with a true 21st century configuration. The creatures of traditional politics, who cannot reconcile with the fact that ideas and platforms have to be the engine of the party, are the ones leaving the party ranks.

Lakas-Kampi-CMD standard bearer Gibo Teodoro himself pointed out that “defections are a reality in politics which we have fully accounted for at the beginning of the political exercise. They will allow us to work with our real supporters without having to bear the baggage of those who only pretend to support us. Just like a ship which has been rid of barnacles, it will be a smoother ride to honorable victory.”

While politics is addition, the cleansing of the ranks via the voluntary exit of party elements that can only drag the party down, actually works to strengthen Lakas-Kampi-CMD. More so in the case of Gibo, who, through his intellectual superiority and trailblazing ideas, is writing a new chapter in presidential campaigns and in Philippine electoral politics – in running a positive one-and does not need the distraction from those who do not share his drive and enthusiasm.

Lakas-Kampi-CMD remains a potent vote-delivery machine. The so-called decimation of its ranks is baloney. Lakas-Kampi-CMD is more than just the dominant party; it is the party with warm bodies, heavyweight leaders, and an efficient vote-delivery machine.

 Thank you very much. – Atty. MICHAEL T. TOLEDO, Spokesman and Director Gibo 2010 Media Bureau

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