CHED grants 15,000 scholarships to teachers

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) will grant a total of 15,000 scholarships to faculty and non-teaching staff who will be affected during the transition to the K to 12 program.

CHED chairman Patricia Licuanan said they have established a K to 12 transition program to ensure the sustainability of higher education institutions despite the expected low turnout of students in the next five years due to the rollout of the senior high school program.

Among the component projects of the transition program is the scholarship for college faculty and staff to enable them to finish their graduate degrees.

The goal of the project is to equip 70 percent of teachers in higher education institutions with graduate degrees by 2021.

With the expected influx of students taking up masteral or doctoral degrees, CHED is urging existing tertiary institutions to offer their respective graduate programs.

“This increased investment in scholarship necessitates the establishment of more quality graduate programs that are accessible to faculty and staff in the region,” Licuanan said.

The agency recently released the draft guidelines for higher education institutions interested to be a part of CHED’s faculty and staff development program.

Interested schools may submit their letters of intent to CHED until Dec. 30.

A public hearing on the guidelines will be held on Jan. 6 at the CHED head office in Quezon City.

A copy of the guidelines may be downloaded at             

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