Beyond calm acceptance

God . . . has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.           1 Peter 1:3

In a television interview, a prominent Hollywood actress said that she eagerly anticipated her death because this would bring her “oblivion.” I could hardly believe my ears! Why would anyone be pleased with passing into oblivion? Are we all nothing but cosmic accidents? Does nothing we think or feel or say or do have any lasting meaning or value?

Some people are able to convince themselves that oblivion is something to look forward to. But it seems to me that most unbelievers either entertain a vague hope of an afterlife, or they avoid thinking about it.

Distressed that the subject of death and dying is becoming taboo in our culture, Bill and Judith Moyers produced a TV series showing that an honest discussion of the subject helps many die with calm acceptance. But no mention was made of faith in Christ or His resurrection. Therefore, it gave no example of anyone dying triumphantly.

When Stephen was being stoned, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts 7:59). Only those who believe on Jesus are able to die with joy and eager anticipation. Because Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave, we who believe on Him can die with a living hope. And that goes far beyond a calm acceptance.         — Herbert Vander Lugt


When by the gift of His infinite grace

I am accorded in heaven a place,

Just to be there and to look on His face

Will through the ages be glory for me.     — Gabriel


READ:Acts 7:54-60


Death is the last chapter in time but the first chapter in eternity.

The Bible in one year:

• Isaiah 13-15

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