Love gives value

[Christ] bore our sins in His own body on the tree.  1 Peter 2:24 

Wayne and Red served in the same platoon when the Allied forces marched across Europe in World War II. Wayne volunteered to be “point-man,” leading the platoon into enemy territory. Red backed him up.

The two led their men through several battles until they reached the famed “Siegfried Line.” They ran across no man’s land and jumped into the enemy trench. When a live grenade exploded in front of them, Wayne, who was in the lead, was wounded by the blast. Seeing his helplessness, Red stepped forward, grabbed Wayne, whirled around, and shielded him from gunfire. A few seconds later Red was hit by an enemy bullet and died instantly. Wayne, who survived, later wrote, “No one has ever valued one more.”

In a sense, Jesus “took the bullet” that was intended for us. We were born in sin, and “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Because of God’s great love, the Son of God became man, lived without sinning, and took our penalty by dying on the cross (1 Peter 3:18). Because Jesus died, we can have eternal life.

Do you have that life? If not, put your faith in Christ today. Then you too will be able to say, “No one has ever valued me more.” — Dave Egner

Christ died for me — what blessed words!

He bore my guilt one day;

No greater price has e’er been paid

Than when He took my sins away. — Egner


READ: Hebrews 9:23-28

Jesus took my place on the cross to give me a place in heaven.

The Bible in one year:

• Leviticus 20-23

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