For those who serve

Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the Word and doctrine. 1 Timothy 5:17

When my son Steve walks into a room, he often gets immediate respect. People want to shake his hand. They smile. They congratulate him. They thank him.

It happens at church. It happens in restaurants. It happens wherever he goes — as long as he is wearing his uniform of the United States Navy.

While in uniform, Steve gets instant respect because everyone knows that he is serving. He has given up many personal freedoms and desires so that he can serve his country.

People respect service. We honor police officers who serve. We pay homage to military personnel who serve. But do we gIve the same honor and respect to those who are in an even greater service — service of God? Do we show respect to your pastors, missionaries, Sunday school teachers?

Scripture tells us to give honor to whom honor is due (Rom. 13:7). Specifically, it tells us that double honor goes to those who direct the affairs of the church through teaching and preaching (1 Tim 15:17).

Instead of criticizing your pastor, teachers, or spiritual leader, let others hear your words of gratitude and praise for their service. Hold them up in prayer. God’s servants deserve our respect and honor. — Dave Branon

Putting It Into Practice

• Send a card or note of appreciation to your pastor.

• Thank you teacher for a lesson that helped you.

• Ask your leaders how you can pray for them.

READ: Romans 13:1-7

We honor God when we honor our leaders.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalm 69-71

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