In defense of life

You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13

The Jews clearly understood that God’s commandment not to kill refers to murder – the malicious taking of human life. It doesn’t forbid governments to use the death penalty or to wage war. This commandment deals solely with private morality.

Exodus 20:13 is based on the divine truth that human life is sacred and that we must protect and preserve it. Every human being bears God’s image. Even an embryo is marked with a unique identity from the moment of conception. Life is God’s most precious gift, and only He has the right to take it. Abortion, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide must all be viewed in the light of God’s right to our life.

Jesus brought this commandment to everyone’s doorstep when He said that to be angry at someone without cause makes us guilty of murder (Matt. 5:21-22). And John wrote, "Whoever makes us all murderers in desperate need of God’s forgiveness and mercy.

Thank You, Lord, for Your love and forgiveness. Help us by Your Holy Spirit to love others as You have loved us, and in so doing to value life, protect life, and enrich life as a gift from you. – Dennis De Haan

Points To Ponder

What did John mean when he said that if we hate someone we are murderers? (1 John 3:15). How does this truth help us to forgive those who hurt us?

READ: 1 John 3:10-23

Anger is just one letter short of danger.

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