Walking in His dust

[Jesus] called them, and they left their father . . . and went after Him. – Mark 1:20

In the first century, a Jewish man who wanted to become a disciple of a rabbi (teacher) was expected to leave family and job to join his rabbi. They would live together 24 hours a day – walking from place to place, teaching and learning, studying and working. They discussed and memorized the Scriptures and applied them to life.

The disciple’s calling, as described in early Jewish writings about basic ethics, was to "cover himself in the dust of [the rabbi’s] feet." drinking in his every word. He followed his rabbi so closely that he would "walk in his dust." In doing so, he became like the rabbi, his master.

Simon, Andrew, James, and John knew that this was the type of relationship to which Jesus was calling them (Mark 1:16-20). So immediately they walked away from their work and "went after Him" (v. 20). For 3 years they stayed close to Him – listening to His teaching, watching His miracles, learning His principles, and walking in His dust.

As Jesus’ followers today, we too can "walk in His dust." By spending time studying and meditating on His Word and applying its principles to life, we’ll become like our rabbi – Jesus. – Anne Ceras

What holds me back? Some earthly tie? A thirst for gain?

A strange entanglement with life? A pleasure vain?

Dear Lord, I cast it all aside so willingly;

The path of true discipleship I’ll walk with Thee. – Adams

READ: Mark 1:16-20

Faith in Christ is not just a single step – it’s a lifelong walk with Him.

The Bible in one year:

• Proverbs 16-18

• 2 Corinthians 6

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