Light up your world

You are the light of the world.

– MATTHEW 5:14

My daughter Julie and her friend Jenni were driving one evening from their college to a nearby town. Along the way, they passed through a community that had an eerie darkness to it because of a power outage. It was strange – almost frightening – to drive through that blacked-out community.

As they left the town behind, they noticed a light up ahead. It shone like a beacon. And when they reached it, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the only light in the darkness was a church. A house of worship was lighting up their world.

This is exactly how people should see us as Christians – a bright and inviting light in this world darkened by sin. Jesus brought us out of the darkness, and He said that we as His followers are "the light of the world" (MATTHEW 5:14). And now we are to "walk as children of light" (EPHESIANS 5:8).

It’s a huge challenge that should make us think seriously about how we live. Ask yourself, "Am I a light in anyone’s life? Are my life and words guiding people out of the darkness and into the light of Jesus?"

It’s dark in the world – and we have the light. Are we lighting the way? – DAVE BRANON

Lord, let me be a shining light

In all I say and do,

May Your great love be seen in me

And lead someone to You. – SPER


Your life will either shed light or cast a shadow.

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