Memory impaired?

Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

– Psalm 119:11

In a world of cell phones and speed dialing, our ability to remember may be short-circuited by reliance on technological gadgets. A Los Angeles Times article says that in years past, as we dialed phone numbers, the "reputation . . . slowly etched them in long-term memory." Daily use provided constant review. I used to know all the numbers for family and friends, but today all I need to do is press a button.

Letting a phone number slip our minds may be trivial, but keeping a mental grip on God’s Word is of the utmost importance. Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators ministry, said that the three principles of Scripture memory are: Review! Review! Review! He urged memorizing the reference with the text and believed that anyone who learned a verse and reviewed it daily for seven weeks would never forget it.

The psalmist said, "Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You . . . I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways . . . I will not forget Your Word" (Psalm 119:11, 15-16).

The goal of etching Scripture in our minds is to have it fill our hearts and motivate our actions. Memorizing opens the mental door to God’s Word. Review gives it a permanent home in our hearts. – David C. McCasland

Putting it into practice

Don’t wait – start memorizing Scripture today.

Begin with small portions at first, then add new verses.

Remember: Review! Review! Review!

READ: Psalm 119:1-16

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