President Bongbong and the church

As far as I have learned, and from everything that has been taught to me, the church exists in order to preach the good news and transform the world into the kingdom of God while attributing to our daily prayer – on earth as it is in heaven. Christians are taught about faith, hope and charity which literally translates to love.

Love, however, goes beyond the word but rather, it is an act that needs daily application. The mission of the church was inherited from Jesus, a teacher or Rabbi as he was called, who spoke in parables in order for his disciples to understand the heavens. In this regard, we were taught to pray. Whether this be for our own intentions, the intentions of others or the intentions of the church, we, as a faithful body, are asked to pray without ceasing.

In the same breath, we are also taught to pray for our leaders. When Jesus faced a hostile audience who confronted him about taxes, he simply instructed to render to Caesar what was Caesar’s and to God what was God’s. Jesus acknowledged the rightful place of government with a mandate that was required to fulfill the rule of the land.

The Bible, if one knows it, specifically states the government’s duty to protect its citizens so that they may live peaceful and quiet lives and, as for Jesus, he personally obeyed the law. Through simple deduction therefore from scripture, and as we begin a new journey with a duly elected president, it is not only right for Pope Francis to bless our leaders but also divinely proper as he expressed his support through prayers for our president to lead in wisdom and strength.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is entering this administration with a heavy load on his shoulders as he is confronted with a worldwide recession alongside a battlecry to unify our countrymen to rise above a crisis and, as a whole, be one in nation building. While it is a challenge, the President and his men will need a whole of nation to wish him prosperity and we must pray for his success.

In his inaugural speech, President Manuel L. Quezon said: “I face the future with hope and fortitude, certain that God never abandons a people who ever follows his unerring and guiding hand.” Faith teaches us to trust in the divine in the hope that good things will happen. As the mission of the church is to transform the world into Christ’s kingdom here on earth through their doctrine and teaching, it is also essential for the church to encourage their flock to be fruitful participants in upholding the common good, as this is an expression of love.

Three things will last forever as St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians: faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love for without it, acts of faith and hope are empty and fruitless. Love is the active pursuit of the well-being of another, hence, and as citizens of this nation, it is only right that the motivation of the church be aligned to Christ’s teachings, where every Filipino will not only ask what their country can do for them but rather, and through love, to the best of their ability, also take part and do what they can for our beloved Philippines.

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