God’s marvelous gift

As we struggle, endure, cope as best we can with the mental, emotional, physical and financial devastating effects of this pandemic, there are times when coping with the isolation, lockdowns and observance of the protocols prove utterly difficult…

Pray unceasingly to ease the burden, lighten our loads, brighten our days, that this pandemic ends soonest to live life normally again.

We must not, however, stand still, nor fall, stay down and allow life to simply pass us by. Wing our way to happiness to take us out whenever feeling low moments... laugh! Hohohahaha!

It’s free, can be done anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Just TWO SECONDS of hearty laughter can stimulate endorphins, the happy-producing hormone that ensures a vigorous, renewed spirit and fresh energy in us.

Laughter, especially during these uncertain times, can greatly promote physical and physiological well-being. It is God’s marvelous gift of goodness to carry us through some of life’s darkest times. Always take time to laugh... for a healthy, happy, positive you! Hohoho! Hahaha!

Peace, good health, safety and abundance to us all!

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