Defend the republic

We are one against terrorism and criminality.

“We are one in mourning with the families of those affected by this tragedy.” – Stephen Reilly, chief operating officer, Resorts World Manila

Last Friday, a lone gunman attacked Resorts World Manila in a supposed attempt to rob the casino where more than 50 people were injured fleeing for their lives. At first, the motive of the attack was unclear, some mainstream media have echoed the statement of SITE Intelligence group that ISIS could be behind the attack; while the Philippine National Police was also looking at the robbery angle. Aside from the 54 people who were injured, the chief operating officer of Resorts World Manila, Stephen Reilly, later revealed that 22 guests  and 13 of their employees have died in the incident.

?Now in the Resorts World Manila incident, I think it’s also necessary to call out on some news outlets for adding fuel to the fire when they echoed ISIS’ claim that they are behind the attack. While I understand that it is your duty to report news, I believe careful considerations are necessary to prevent aggravating the situation. I know that there is competition in that field and being first to report is important, however we cannot be careless in spreading information especially if it could cause panic around the country.

Amidst the terrorist attack in Marawi City and the attempted robbery last Friday at Resorts World Manila, there are still those who try to use these incidents for political purpose or as a tool for their propaganda and conspiracy theories.  Let us not forget that Filipino lives are being put in danger because of the terrorists and criminals, so I believe that it is our duty to stand together and condemn these acts that have evidently harmed our fellow countrymen. Regardless of our difference in political beliefs or whether we support different politicians, in the end we are all Filipinos and we have the duty to defend our country. Let us not waste our energy in fighting each other, instead we should focus on how we can help one another through recent crises happening in our beloved homeland. This is not the time for attacking each other, this is the time for unity and focus our combined efforts in fighting against our real enemy, terrorism and criminality.

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