Thoughts to guide us by (For December 2016)

“Christmas is here and welcome it with gladness.”  So goes the song for the most-awaited season of the year.  The season that brings inexplicable magic, that gives joy  in our hearts .. as we hear the heavenly Christmas carols.  That gives happy glow in our eyes as we see the brightly-glittering-shining-colorful lights adorning Christmas decors all  around us.

As we celebrate the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ,  may this Christmas be a gentle season  of happy days, wonderful time with your  family, and close-to-your-hearts friends.  A time to generously reach out  and share  with our much-in-need  Kababayans.

May the blessings that  Christmas gives be with you and loved ones. May  the spirit of Christmas usher in PEACE for all! May the gladness of Christmas  give JOY to all!   May the hope  of Christmas bring PROSPERITY  for all!   May Its warmth give   LOVE to all!!!

Here’s  wishing you all and your family …  the merriest of Christmasses!   As we pray for  PEACE on earth,  GOODWILL  to  all!!!

Peace, love, sharing, abundance to you all!!!

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