Cool it!

It seems America got it right in predicting that the region around the Philippine and China seas would be the next hotspot in the world. It has told nations currently involved in territorial disputes to cool it, so to speak. The rhetoric between Japan and China over the Senkaku or Diaoyu islands, depending on whom you are talking to, or even whose side you are on, have become more intense, fiery and even downright violent! Japan has asked China to protect its interests in their country, in the wake of increasingly violent protests aimed at Japanese companies who have set up shop in mainland China. Some companies have shut down altogether, looking to other places to put up their businesses. We are actually trying to capitalize on the conflict, by enticing these companies to bring their business here.

Indeed, both Japan and China have sent their respective vessels into the area, sometimes sailing side by side. There really is no love lost between these two countries, as they have a dark past of occupation and atrocities. Japan invaded and occupied China in the years leading up to World War Two, and the occupation was not kind to the Chinese people. Almost seven decades later, memories are still fresh for some regarding the horrors inflicted by the imperial empire wanting to expand its influence on all Asia. So you actually have the ingredients for a disaster – a bad history, a strengthened military and territorial disputes! The rhetoric between Tokyo and Beijing have become a lot worse than the one between Manila and Beijing over the Panatag or Scarborough Shoal!

To further make the region more volatile, China has disputes with other countries claiming other islands as well! The Philippines, Taiwan, Russia and Vietnam just to name those they have actually had encounters with already. All because the already gigantic nation still stakes its claim on several small patches of real estate. A veritable powder keg just waiting for the right spark top ignite it into a firestorm!

Although America has said that it will not mediate in the ongoing disputes, they cannot deny the fact that some countries at odds with China are their allies. One particular situation is the ongoing dispute between Japan and South Korea, where both countries have American military bases on their land. Taiwan also has disputes with Japan and China. I’m sure America would not want to see its allies in a conflagration, especially with military bases there, and with a country like North Korea just waiting to divide and conquer! But how long can America sit on the fence? It has said that it plans to deploy around sixty percent of its naval fleet into the region, to ensure its stability. I think the time to do that is now. And all the more reason that these territorial claims be brought to an international body, to once and for all settle the problem.

That is, if China, who seems to be picking a fight with everyone, is even willing to do that.

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