Reason and logic in tuba drinkers' argument noted

FISH MARKET. Four men were seen and heard arguing about the plan to convert the Pasil Fish Market into a public park cum playground. They were arguing over a “ball” (big bottle) of tuba in a stall not far from the fish market. “Hinubog nga argumento,” a passerby was heard commenting. But it was not. “There was reason, logic and sense in the ‘drinkers’ arguments,” said an Ear informer who has spent some moments listening to the debate.

SPORTSMANSHIP. One look at the four “debaters” who were naked from the waist up would bring about the conclusion that the four were toughies. But they were not. “They impressed me as sensible men who respected each other’s stand on the issue,” the informer said.”There was sportsmanship amid the disagreements.”

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