Gordon: Trash bins out of Intramuros

Beware of garbage because it remains suspect even if it is already safely stashed in trash bins.

One of the measures to thwart possible terrorist attacks proposed by Tourism Secretary Richard Gordon is the removal of all trash bins in historic Walled City of Intramuros in the heart of Manila.

Gordon said these trash bins could be used as receptacles for bombs planted by terrorists.

He said cleanliness inside the Walled City could still be maintained, even without the trash bins placed in every corner of the historic enclave.

Gordon has urged the Volunteers of Intramuros to remove all the green and yellow trash bins dotting the interior of the historic district. These bins were meant to encourage cleanliness and accommodate garbage.

His alternative to the trash bins was to ask the local government of Olongapo City to help the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA) and the National Park Development Council (NPDC) in clearing Intramuros of garbage.

"Garbage trucks all the way from Olongapo City are now collecting garbage in Intramuros," Gordon said. "We have to thank Olongapo for the assistance." Olongapo City Mayor Kate Gordon is the tourism chief’s wife.

After the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America that leveled the World Trade Center, where thousands of people were killed and scores missing, awareness of the terrorist threat has increased tremendously worldwide.

President Arroyo gave her full support to the United States, which embarked on a war on terror and terrorist groups, most notably the al-Qaeda led by Saudi billionaire Osama bin Laden.

In line with this policy, the Philippine National Police (PNP) has arrested a number of suspected terrorists hiding in the country, including suspected members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a terrorist cell suspected to be al-Qaeda’s Southeast Asian affiliate.

The PTA and Department of Tourism are now in the midst of preparations for the 24-hour light-and-sound shows that kick off this month.

To complement the light-and-sound shows, Gordon is working to stage weekly fireworks display shows in Intramuros to attract more local and foreign tourists and further boost the country’s tourism industry.

Gordon said the fireworks display shows will be part of the DOT’s "Visit Philippine 2003" campaign, which aims to bring more tourists to the country and help boost the country’s economy.

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