Residents of UP Area 2 fear closure, demolition

MANILA, Philippines — A community at the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City is fearing closure and demolition with the opening of a mall on the campus this year.

Area 2 has provided students with affordable meals, printing services and school supplies stores since the 1970s.

Residents expressed fears that their homes and businesses will be closed and demolished as the DiliMall is set to open in August.

Road clearing operations on April 23 were reportedly prompted by a request to remove street food vendors ahead of the mall’s opening, which was initially set for November.

“The residents as well as the vendors will be affected when they demolish the establishments in Area 2 to make way for the new mall,” a resident told The STAR.

The clearing operations were also reportedly authorized without coordination, leaving new stall owners unaware of compliance issues.

The residents claimed that UP vice chancellor for community affairs Roehl Jamon authorized the clearing operations.

The STAR is waiting for Jamon’s response.

The involvement of the UP Housing in approving the mall’s construction has added to uncertainties surrounding closure or demolition plans, the residents noted.

Efforts to address community concerns have included proactive compliance with local ordinances and engagements with former UP chancellor Fidel Nemenzo to safeguard against forced evictions.

The Quezon City government has issued an apology for the road clearing operations conducted by local government personnel in Area 2.

Mayor Joy Belmonte acknowledged that the operation lacked proper coordination with stakeholders.

The UP community expressed concern over increasing commercialization on the campus.

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