

Philippine railway body capable of handling all train lines, DOTr assures Japanese PM

Philippine railway body capable of handling all train lines, DOTr assures Japanese PM
Transport Undersecretary for Railways Cesar Chavez briefs Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the readiness of Philippine Railways Institute to train engineers, technicians and operators for existing and upcoming railway lines operated by the Philippine government and the private sector. From left: Prime Minister Kishida, Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Dr. Masafumi Mori, Japanese Vice Minister for International Affairs Atsushi Uehara and Usec Chavez.

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines is capable of training the needed workforce for all existing and upcoming railway lines.

This was the assurance of the Department of Transportation to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, as Japan has come to support the Philippines’ “Build Better More” campaign by donating training equipment for Philippine railway staff.

In a briefing, Transport Undersecretary for Railways Cesar Chavez told Japan’s premier that the Philippine Railways Institute (PRI) is now training engineers, technicians and operators for the MRT-7, which is expected to operate by 2025.

Chavez also stressed the PRI’s readiness to capacitate the workforce required in existing and upcoming railway systems currently operated by both the Philippine government and the private sector.

Also present during the briefing were Ambassador Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Japan’s envoy to the Philippines; Dr. Masafumi Mori, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister; and Atsushi Uehara, Japan’s Vice Minister for International Affairs.

The transport official also highlighted the pivotal role played by Japanese training in improving the expertise of professors, instructors and personnel at the PRI. 

Chavez underscored that the core of the institute's professionals received specialized training in Japan, contributing significantly to the development of the Philippines’ railways sector. 

He also expressed gratitude to Japan for donating a state-of-the-art train simulator room, providing the Philippines with a cutting-edge facility to enhance their skills and ensure the highest standards of safety and efficiency in the country's railway operations. 

For his part, Kishida himself was given a hands-on experience with the train simulator, underscoring the effectiveness of training equipment, as well as symbolizing Japan’s commitment to ensuring the Philippines’ success in railway development.

Aside from the train simulator room, Kishida also inspected the tunnel boring machines deployed at the Metro Manila subway depot in Valenzuela City during his official visit to the Philippines.

About nine Philippine transport projects — two aviation, two maritime, five railways — are being built or will be delivered on the back of JPY 1.315 trillion worth of Japanese aid.

The five railway projects are identified as the LRT Line 1 Cavite Extension, LRT Line 2 East Extension, MRT Line 3 Rehabilitation and Maintenance, North-South Commuter Rail System and Metro Manila Subway Project.

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