Quezon City’s free bus ride program serves over 5.3 million passengers

Photo of the free bus service in Quezon City via Facebook
Quezon City government/Released

MANILA, Philippines — Over 5.3 million passengers have availed themselves of Quezon City’s free bus ride program since its launch last December, the city government said yesterday.

The Q City Bus, which seeks to augment public transportation amid the COVID-19 pandemic, currently plies eight routes traversing through major thoroughfares and locations in the city.

“This program was launched to address the need for a reliable, efficient and safe means of transportation during the pandemic especially during the times when public transportation is unavailable or limited,” said Mayor Joy Belmonte.

“The program enables our QCitizens to save a lot on transportation expenses,” she added.

With the recent rise in fuel prices, Belmonte said the Q City Bus can help motorists reduce transportation costs and save up for other basic needs.

“We hope that this program will help address the lack of public transportation and will provide commuters with a fast and safe way to reach their destinations,” she said in Filipino.

City administrator Michael Alimurung also allayed concerns that the program contributes to traffic congestion, noting that the buses only stop at designated pick-up and drop-off points along their routes.

“We also expect the program to reduce the number of private cars as motorists might opt to take our bus en route to their destination,” he added.

Belmonte earlier entered into a memorandum of agreement with the Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board for the program.


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