Muntinlupa traffic enforcer shot dead

Daniel Manalo
STAR/ File

MANILA, Philippines — A traffic enforcer was gunned down by an unidentified assailant while on duty in Muntinlupa on Tuesday.

Daniel Manalo, 39, a member of the Muntinlupa Traffic Management Bureau (MTMB), died at the scene from a gunshot to the head.

Mayor Jaime Fresnedi and Rep. Ruffy Biazon condemned the killing of Manalo.

Fresnedi and Biazon offered a reward of P200,000 to anyone who can provide information that will lead to the gunman’s arrest.

According to a police report, the shooting occurred in front of a mall in Barangay Tunasan at around 5:30 p.m.

Probers said Manalo was talking to someone on his cell phone when the suspect came from behind and fired at him.

A fellow traffic enforcer who witnessed the shooting said the gunman fled on foot after the attack.

Police said they recovered an empty .45-caliber bullet at the scene.

Investigators said they have yet to establish if the killing of Manalo was job-related.

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