Corpse found in Tondo waterway

MANILA, Philippines — The body of an unidentified man was found floating in an estero, an apparent victim of summary execution, in Tondo, Manila on Monday afternoon.

The man was described to be between 35 and 41 years old, at least 5’9” tall, of medium build and clad only in boxer shorts, Manila Police District homicide investigators said.

A certain Benny Maco discovered the body while walking along the Estero de Vitas on Road 10 at around 3:30 p.m., according to Police Officer 3 John Bucad.

The victim was wrapped in a blanket and his head was covered with duct tape while his hands and feet were bound with a cell phone cable.

A chain attached to a pail filled with cement was wrapped around his neck and there were signs of external injuries, according to Bucad.

Police are still trying to determine the identity of the victim.                                                     

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