Avoid flying near Kanlaon’s crater, pilots told

MANILA, Philippines — Pilots have been advised anew to avoid flying close to the crater of Mt. Kanlaon on Negros island, as the volcano’s steam-driven explosions can be hazardous to aircraft.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) issued the advisory yesterday after a low-energy phreatic or steam-driven eruption occurred on Saturday.

The volcano emitted dark ashes that blanketed several barangays in Negros Occidental.

The event was recorded as an explosion-type earthquake, which lasted for about 10 minutes.

It was accompanied by a rumbling sound that was audible in surrounding towns, Phivolcs said.

Thin ashfall was experienced in the villages of Ara-al in La Carlota City, Sag-ang in La Castellana and Ilihan in Bago City.

The volcano remains at alert level 2, meaning it is undergoing a “moderate level of unrest.” 

Phivolcs explained that under alert level 2, the volcano is undergoing probable magma intrusion, which may or may not lead to an eruption.

The agency warned the public against entering the four-kilometer radius permanent danger zone due to sudden and hazardous steam-driven or phreatic eruptions.

The agency raised the alert status from level 1 last month to level 2 after it recorded 300 volcanic quakes.

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