Gov't wants ironed out, foolproof MILF deal

Members of the Government of the Philippines peace panel (GPH) technical working group meet in an informal discussion during a break at the 37th exploratory talks with MILF on Tuesday. GPH PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines - The government has been taking its time to make sure every detail in crafting the historic Comprehensive Peace Agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) can hold up against criticism, government peace panel (GPH) chair Miriam Coronel-Ferrer said on Wednesday.

Ferrer explained that the peace talks were postponed from March 25 to April 9 in the hopes of achieving a deal with "solid foundation, that will withstand the scrutiny of skeptics, the misgivings of the unconvinced, the cynicism of the cynical."

“I can tell you that the Cabinet members have gone out of their way to shepherd this process. Many have spent time with us seeking solutions, providing context, broadening understanding," Ferrer said upon the resumption of exploratory peace talks with MILF on Tuesday.

(Read related story: Peace talks with MILF resume today)

She also said the parties, especially the government, wanted to remain realistic in its promises under the peace agreement in Mindanao.

"Our President, this government panel, our government, are not the type who will promise the moon, the sun, and the stars, only to leave you later in the dark or to your own resources when the going gets even tougher," Ferrer said.

The new round of discussions is set to focus on hammering out three remaining annexes to the initial Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, namely on wealth-sharing, power-sharing and normalization in the region.

“Our agenda remains clear: we solve the remaining issues across the three annexes, seek the creative compromises, and find the right language, “ Coronel-Ferrer added.

So far, both camps have signed the "Transitional Arrangements and Modalities" annex in February, creating a Transition Commission tasked to draft the Bangsamoro Basic Law for the new Muslim autonomous region.

The MILF, meanwhile, expressed confidence in reaching a deal soon, saying the they are "fully committed to finish the process in order to establish real peace in Mindanao."

MILF chief negotiator and Transition Commission chair Mohagher Iqbal said the annexes are aimed to be finished before the May 13 elections.

"Without appearing very simplistic, I think we are about to achieve this historic feat on signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement with the Aquino administration," Iqbal added.

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