African miner faces opposition in Benguet

MANKAYAN, Benguet  – Villagers opposing drilling operations of African mining giant’s Goldfields subisidiary--  Far Southeast Gold Resources Inc. (FSGRI) vow  to keep their guard up despite an "initial victory” over the firm’s plan to operate in Madaymen last week.

The challenge remains for the people of Mankayan and “organized group” Save Mankayan Movement “to be more vigilant", noting that  "MPSA (Mineral Sharing Production Agreement) 001 still stands,”  said Igorot leader Abigail Bengwayan Anongos of the non-government Cordillera Peoples Alliance.

FSGRI has demobilized its drill rig after a year of “turbulence” with villagers and other opposition groups on its confirmation drilling, even as legally it has full rights by virtue of MPSA-001, which was approved by the government through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Mines and Geosciences Bureau (DENR-MGB).

Anongos warned that the MPSA of FSGRI is in the process of conversion to an FTAA (Financial Technical and Assistance Agreement) and the mining equipment will only be transferred to Brgy. Poblacion.

FSGRI has confirmed it is looking at possible locations for its rig in the town.

Still, FSGRI maintains it has the full legal right to drill at the Madaymen site and all other sites previously approved by the government.

Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co.,  majority shareholder of FSGRI, claims legal ownership of Madaymen site, saying that "the land was bought several decades ago from land owners."

LCMC is pursuing criminal and civil cases against picketers at the Madaymen site, while FSGRI is  presently conducting geotechnical drilling at other sites in Mankayan where they are welcomed.

In November,  the South African government indicated that it remains interested in its stake in Benguet gold mining as South African Deputy Minister of Minerals Godfrey Oliphant spoke at the 59th Annual National Mine Safety and Environment Conference (ANMSEC) here. South African Ambassador Agnes Nyamande-Pitso also attended the conference. - Artemio A. Dumlao

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