Hanjin recognizes Subic workers

SUBIC BAY FREEPORT, Philippines – With the delivery of two newly built vessels before the end of April, Korean shipbuilder Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction-Philippines Inc. is recognizing the contribution of its Filipino workforce who have collectively helped produce state-of-the-art commercial vessels in the country.

Jin Kyun Ahn, president of the Korean shipbuilding giant, said the scheduled delivery of the vessels will highlight the competitiveness of Hanjin’s Subic shipyard.

“What made this possible is our very efficient, cutting-edge shipbuilding facilities and highly skilled workforce,” Jin said.

The two vessels are the M/T Brightway, a DWT 160,000 MT crude oil tanker ordered by Liberian company Modmal Shipping Ltd., and the M/V FMG Matilda, a DWT 205,000 MT bulk carrier owned by Bocimar Hong Kong Ltd. based in Belgium.

M/T Brightway and M/V FMG Matilda were launched on April 27 and July 29 last year, respectively. They are the 34th and 35th vessels to be delivered from Hanjin’s Subic shipyard.

Jin said Hanjin’s Subic shipyard is compliant with international safety standards as evidenced by its ISO certification and that “the well-being of our shipyard workers is given top priority in all stages of the production process.”

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