Deal to integrate climate change, risk reduction signed

MANILA, Philippines - The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) and the Climate Change Commission (CCC) signed yesterday an agreement that aims to integrate disaster preparedness plans in the programs of local governments. 

Under the agreement, the two agencies will work to harmonize the planning, development and implementation of local climate change action plans and local disaster risk reduction and management plans. 

The agreement was signed by NDRRMC Executive Director Benito Ramos, who represented Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, and CCC Commissioner vice chair Lucille Sering.

Sen. Loren Legarda, an advocate of climate change adaptation measures, served as witness of the signing. 

Ramos admitted that integrating disaster preparedness programs into a comprehensive agenda is an enormous and challenging task.

“Although such experience in linking disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation may be at its early stage, our campaign for advocacy and awareness… has been constantly on the rise especially with the help of community-based civil society organizations,” he said. 

Ramos said among the challenges in linking climate change adaptation with disaster risk are the need for consistency in state policies, building of the capacity of communities to respond to extreme events, downscaling climate change projections to make them relevant to local planners, developing science-based knowledge on adaptation approaches, and efficient use of funds.

“The organizational capacities and mechanisms of NDRRMC can be pooled and existing resources can be coordinated for linking and implementing action plans for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation,” Ramos said.

The agreement also aims to support the implementation of climate risk reduction measures identified by local governments units through information management, and monitoring of progress of the local action plans. 

Legarda said state agencies should not be contented in just signing cooperation agreements. 

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