Thousands expected at Vizcaya's Calvary

Overlooking Bayom­bong town, Nueva Vizcaya’s capital town, the Bangan Hill is again expected to lure thousands of pilgrims this Holy Friday. Charlie Lagasca

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines – The yearly reenactment of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is once again expected to attract thousands of devotees to the Bangan Hill here, dubbed as the province’s Mt. Calvary, tomorrow.

Chief Superintendent Roberto Damian, Cagayan Valley police director, gave assurance that enough security measures are in place to ensure the safety of pilgrims to the region’s various pilgrim sites as well as other vacationers during the Lenten break.

“All routes, especially those leading to the pilgrim sites have already been secured, including churches, bus terminals, piers, beaches and riverbanks,” he said.

The Bangan Hill, a protected area overlooking the expanse of this capital, has been a favorite Holy Week destination of devotees from the region’s southern parts.

Meanwhile, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) yesterday said that they would leave it up to parish priests if they would allow gays to play Jesus Christ in the senakulo (passion play).

CBCP Media Office director Monsignor Pedro Quitorio III said the issue of homosexuals portraying the role of Jesus Christ in the passion play this Holy Week is considered trivial and best left to the judgment of parish priests. – With Evelyn Macairan

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