KFR gangs down to 5 from 20, says Ebdane

As of last May, there were only five "active, primary" kidnap-for-ransom (KFR) groups in the target list of the Philippine National Police, down from 20 in July 2002, PNP chief Director General Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. said yesterday.

Ebdane reported this during a multisectoral forum on peace and order organized by the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Inc. in Binondo, Manila.

Ebdane identified the five KFR groups as the Hermano/Pementera, Fernandez, Bucala, Pentagon and Abu Suffia groups.

He said the PNP had neutralized the Macaumbang and Radam groups and three sub-groups under the Fajardo gang.

"We will not compromise on taking appropriate action when the evidence points to guilt, whether against our colleagues in the service or other public figures. No cover-up, no compromise," he said.

Ebdane also reminded his audience of five guidelines to avoid being victimized by kidnapping syndicates. These are:

• Change your day-to-day routine;

• Learn to take evasive action;

• Appoint a security officer within the family;

• Report suspicious movements/characters to the barangay or police; and

• Organize neighborhood vigilance networks. — With Artemio Dumlao

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