Villarama encouraged to vie for Bulacan governor in 2001

Former Bulacan Gov. Ignacio Santiago has urged Willie Villa-rama to run for the gubernatorial post in the province in the May 2001 elections.

Villarama, who was Santiago’s vice governor for eight consecutive years, was also reportedly being pressured by his supporters to run for the congressional seat for the second district of Bulacan.

"I have urged former Vice Gov. Willie Villarama to run for governor and lead Bulacan to greater prosperity in the new decade," Ignacio said in a statement.

Villarama was elected vice governor in 1971 at the age of 27, earning the distinction of being the youngest to hold the post.

Villarama also served as chief of staff of Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and former Senate President Blas Ople.

Santiago, currently the chairman of the Philippine Postal Authority, raised the possibility that incumbent Bulacan Gov. Josie de la Cruz would run unopposed in her reelection bid, adding "this is not good for political democracy and for the future of Bulakeños."

Santiago said his provincemates should have a choice in next year’s local polls, and Villarama would be the strongest contender against De la Cruz.

Villarama, who also served as assistant secretary in both the labor and trade departments, was appointed recently by President Estrada as organizing chairman of the Partido ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) in the second district of Bulacan.

As such, his responsibilities include revitalizing the party, organizing a vigorous recruitment drive and securing victory for the PMP in the forthcoming polls.

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