Makati to represent RP in robotics meet

Makati will represent the Philippines in the 3rd World Robotics Olympiad to be held in Thailand in November.

Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay said the team of Nemesio Yabut Elementary School (NIYES) emerged as the grand winner among the six elementary school finalists that competed in the grand finals of the recently concluded Philippine Robotics Olympiad.

Binay said joining the NIYES team in Thailand on Nov. 4 to 7 are the teams from La Salle-Greenhills which placed second, and the First Asian Institute of Technology and Humanities, first place in the high-school level.

Makati Science High School, grand winner and the country’s representative in the 2nd World Robotics Olympiad in Singapore last year, finished second this year.

The team of NIYES, composed of three Grade V students, got the highest combination scores in the "Line Tracing" and "Tug-of-War" events and was declared as over-all champion in the regular category.

Apart from La Salle, they bested the teams from the First Asian Institute of Technology and Humanities, Grace Elementary School, San Agustin and Claret Elementary School.

The Makati group, composed of Dondon Ferrer, Joshua Didel and Jonathan Fajardo, will leave on Nov. 3, together with their coach Norman Talavera.

Computer literacy continues to be part of the curriculum of Makati public schools. Makati is also the first school division to integrate computer subjects in its curriculum from the pre-school to the high-school level.

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