Drug courier nabbed in Makati mall

A suspected courier of illegal drugs was arrested Tuesday inside a Makati City mall after he was caught carrying shabu with an estimated street value of P100,000, police said yesterday.

The suspect was identified as George Eyam, 21, jobless, of the Islamic Center in Quiapo, Manila.

A total of 47 grams of suspected shabu was discovered in his possession by mall security guard Rashied Sahid.

Initial investigation showed Eyam tried to enter the Guadalupe Commercial Complex on P. Burgos street, Barangay Guadalupe Viejo at around 11 a.m., but refused to be frisked by Sahid.

Sahid became suspicious when he saw the suspect’s bulging right back pocket, said case investigator Police Officer 3 Conrado Mapile of the Makati police Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Force.

Sahid called for back-up and insisted that Eyam to empty his pockets. The suspect eventually gave in, showing authorities a pack of white crystalline substance wrapped in plastic and an old newspaper.

Police said the initial test of the Southern Police District-Scene of the Crime Operations (SPD-SOCO) confirmed that the item found in Eyam’s possession was shabu.

Police are still waiting for the results of the drug test which Eyam took.

Investigators said illegal drugs are rampant in the area, especially in Laperal Compound, right across the Guadalupe mall.

Eyam is now detained at the Makati police Criminal Investigation Division (CID) office and has been charged with possession of illegal drugs, which is a non-bailable offense. – Nikko Dizon

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