Army man nabbed in fatal shooting

Homicide investigators of the Western Police District (WPD) are still puzzled over the motive of an Army soldier in the cold-blooded killing of a 22-year-old woman in Sta. Ana, Manila past midnight yesterday.

The victim, Maridel Suello, married, of 4041 Kalayaan street, Makati City, was declared dead on arrival at the Ospital ng Maynila due to a gunshot wound in the neck.

Her alleged assailant, Pfc. Roel Maputi, 31, of the Philippine Army’s 8th Infantry Division, was arrested by operatives of the Sta. Ana police station shortly after the incident.

Investigation conducted by SPO2 Virgo Villareal showed the shooting incident happened at about 12:45 a.m. inside a house on Mayon street in Sta. Ana. The victim was a frequent visitor of the couple that owned the house.

The owner, Daniel Barhun, said he and the victim were chatting when the suspect barged inside the house brandishing an M-14 rifle.

He said the suspect initially pointed the rifle at the wall of the room, but later poked it at the left side of the victim’s neck. Without warning, the suspect pulled the trigger, Barhun said.

The bloodied victim still managed to cling to Barhun’s arms before falling to the floor.

Barhun said the suspect also tried to shoot him so he grappled with the soldier for the gun. Their scuffle continued until they were outside the house.

According to Barhun, he managed to take away the rifle from the suspect, who ran and hid inside his house.

The suspect surrendered peacefully to responding policemen. He had a different version of the incident.

Maputi said he went to the area with his rifle to investigate a commotion. As he passed in front of the Barhuns’ residence, Maputi was accosted by the owner of the house for carrying a weapon. Barhun allegedly tried to take the rifle away, leading to a grappling match.

Both men underwent paraffin tests to determine who fired the gun. Results of the tests will be known after three days. Nestor Etolle, Cecille Suerte Felipe

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