Talisay asks Capitol for help to rebuild seawalls

CEBU, Philippines - The Talisay City government seeks assistance from the Cebu provincial government for the construction of new seawalls in three coastal barangays as replacements for old ones that were destroyed or that collapsed on account of big waves last July.

City Councilor Rodi Cabigas, chairman of the committee on infrastructure, said he is asking Governor Gwendolyn Garcia for additional 5,000 bags of cement for the construction of seawalls in barangays Dumlog, Poblacion, and Tanke. 

In his proposed resolution, Cabigas said the construction necessitates sufficient construction materials, an additional of approximately 5,000 bags of cement is very much needed to finish the project. 

The city initiated the construction in the coastal areas of barangays Dumlog, Poblacion, and Tanke.

“The project is a vital structure for the residents in the above-mentioned areas hence, consequential to maintain their safety and protection,” Cabigas said. 

“The city government likewise reiterates its realization in its efforts to hasten the completion of this particular project, the hindrances in the usual shortage of funds and have to extend outward assistance from benevolent sources,” he said. 

The strong waves spawned by Typhoon Gener battered the seawalls.

At least 100 houses in Talisay’s coastal barangays have been reported damaged by the waves.

The resolution of Cabigas was also co-authored by Councilors Eduardo Gullas III, Dennis B. Basillote, Edward Alesna,  and Charles Basillote.  – THE FREEMAN

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