Talisay freezes drainage project

CEBU, Philippines - The long-overdue drainage masterplan project of Talisay City has been put on hold for the time being.

City Councilor Rodi Cabigas, chairman on council committee on Infrastructure, told The FREEMAN in an interview that the city has no money "yet" for this multimillion-peso project.

"As of now, maglisud ta og implement kay dako man kaayo ang budget. We're even considering nga mo-loan na lang para matuman na gyud ni," Cabigas said.

The comprehensive drainage masterplan will cost the city at least P100 million to set it in motion.

Last year, the city allocated P5 million to start the first phase of the implementation more than a year since a feasibility study for it was concluded.

But that, too, has been put on hold for the moment as it may not fit in the whole picture, Cabigas said.

Cabigas said if the city would start enforcing the plan, it has to be citywide as has been proposed from the start.

"Maglisud nya gud kung ginagmayon basin dili nya long-term solution. So what we are looking for now is a project nga pang-long term," he said.

He said the city may be earning more than P300 million per year, but a big chunk of that is from the internal revenue allotment.

The city should have a huge local revenue collection for it to start and sustain a project like a drainage masterplan, he said.

Thus, the project's implementation has to be postponed.

This means flood-prone villages in the city have to contend with the deluge of rainwater during heavy rains.

But barangay chief Marc Ferdinand Bas of Lagtang has a temporary solution for his own turf.

Bas, a first-term barangay chief, said that for the meantime, while his area still lack canals, he has dug holes in flood-prone areas such as sitio Hollowblock that would serve as catch basins for rainwater.

"Nagkawt na lang mi og mga bangag para adto na paingun ang tubig. Og mapuno na, mag-request na dayun mi nga ipa-suction sa city hall," he said.

The temporary holes, although just waist-deep, pose hazards to residents, hence, Bas said he has already sent a request to the office of Cabigas for septic tanks to replace the excavations.

Bas said these tanks will be a lot bigger than the holes, and with screen covers so that residents can just walk over them.

"Mao ra gyud na nakit-an namo nga temporary solution sa among problema diri which we hope nga tabangan unta sa city hall kay uwan-uwan na pud raba," said Bas.

Bas said the barangay already has its own drainage plan for this area that would cost about P2 million, and with the barangay's annual income of only P3 million, it has no choice readily available but to opt for temporary remedies. – THE FREEMAN

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