YSTYLE secret Santa

Stock photo by Michael Schwarzenberger

Here at YStyle, we’re all about gift-giving. So in the spirit of the holidays, we asked some of our fave personalities do the traditional Secret Santa and paired them with people they hardly know. Find out who gives what this Christmas day.

BJ Pascual to Yessa: I'll give Yessa a nice jacket from the spring '16 Sacai x Nike collection

Esme Palaganas to Paolo Lorenzana: Been following Paolo and Ina from Canned Cactus and I always see posts of Canned Cactus' home mascot/pet Cary. I think Natsuko Kuwahara's Bread and A Dog would be a perfect gift for him. It includes Instagram worthy photos of adorable dogs and breakfast recipes!

Nathan Rodjam to CJ Cruz: My gift would have to be a first class flight to anywhere in the world where he feels the most inspired. Being inspired by culture is the most pure and ideas start to generate in so many beautiful ways.

Jel Suarez to Jae Pickrell: We don't know each other but looking through her IG, I think she'd enjoy the travelogue books of Guy Delisle. Famous for the graphic novels of his trips to Jerusalem, Shenzhen, and Pyongyang (his best one), he draws an interesting and quite unreserved map of what to expect at the most mysterious places on earth. Jae seems to be that kind of person who'd want to constantly do new things and who is totally not afraid to be different she'll have fun learning about these places through this cartoonist's perspective.

Mano Lotho to Pie Alvarez: I'd give Pie our most expensive GC in Univers. We have one that's mildly special for VIP clients. As per Daryl, Pie has great taste and I think a great gift to give somebody like that is the luxury to exercise that taste for themselves. I mean, who doesn't like that feeling of shopping without the monetary strings attached? 

Andrea Ang to Jel Suarez: Halo + Halo Makahiya hat from Halohalostore.ph Bucket hats rule obviously.

Ryan Villamael to An Estrada: I'm getting An a copy of Jake Versoza's book The Last Tattooed Women of Kalinga. I heard that she does a lot of local travel and makes it a point to learn more about the country's different cultures. That plus the fact that she's into photography makes me think she'll really enjoy the book.

Aside from that, I also want to get her an unlimited supply of disposable film cameras. With one catch—no printing of the film until every end of the year!

Anna Canlas to Ryan Villamael: I'll give Ryan an assorted wooden rulers from Hay available at Casa Bella Home and Living. They remind me of the sense of creative precision in his work. Here's hoping he ends up using them in a future project! If not, I'm sure they'll look cute around his workspace.

Sabina Gonzales to Anna Canlas: I'll give her books by fashion journalists such as Suzy Menkes, knowing that she's not only in the fashion industry but is very intelligent as well.

Ralph Mendoza to Esme Palaganas: I would give Esme a clothes truck. Like a food truck but for her clothing line. She can drive it and do pop ups anywhere. A moving Basic Movement. Merry Christmas!

Pie Alvarez to BJ Pascual: I love making custom gifts to fit each of my most precious friends. For BJ, I would give him a "go to bed" gift set consisting of a Tempur Pedic pillow, a silk eye mask, a Tocca Mini candle set and a 1000-thread count, Egyptian cotton bed linens from Frette.

He is such a busy individual and stays up long hours due to work. I know he needs his rest and recovery so I think this gift set would be perfect for him. He would sleep so well in the finest of sheets and be recharged for the next busy day he has on his agenda.

Jae Pickrell to Ralph Mendoza: I bumped into Ralph in Univers last week while I was hunting for a Secret Santa gift and he mentioned he was also looking for a gift but might just end up buying something for himself. So I'd play it safe and hand him Univers gift cards for whatever he might fancy. If sky's the limit, though, I'd gift him two roundtrip tickets to Tokyo with his lady love, Sam, dates flexible—but c'mon, I'm in publishing with the budget to match, so Ralph can add that to his list for the real Santa instead

An Estrada to Mano Lotho: Sending Star Wars cookie cutters to Mano for his holiday parties this year. Combine the force of characters with the sweetness of his cookies.

Cj Cruz to Katrina RazonL: I'll give her Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian's Mirror on Plastic Ball - "Life is A Disco X"

Paolo Lorenzana to Jes Tan Gan: For someone with substantial style roots, a solid style statement: one of StudioRST's hand-painted wooden clutch boxes, designed by Raisa Tantuico-Vargas. I'll do Jess even better and slip the bag a micro-teleportation device, usable when in terrible traffic.

Jes Tan Gan to Sabina Gonzalez: Sabina is a fan of Game of Thrones and Woody Allen films, I would give Sabina a DVD collection for the complete series of Game of Thrones and all Woody Allen films including the only Woody Allen film she hasn't seen Annie Hall. Merry Christmas Sabina! 

Yessa Yu to Pie Alvarez: A Fornasetti scented candle to fill the LCP boutique and welcome guests with the light and luxurious smell of hydrangeas.

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