Inspire your style with accessories and cosmetics

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that style is not something you can easily teach another person. Though it’s true that we can share the fundamentals of styling, learning may very well be rudimentary most of the time. I believe that it has to come from within. Style stems out of one’s personality and it’s fueled by countless inspirations. Else, outcome will look forced and grossly calculated. We wouldn’t really want that now, would we?

So, rather than expend my energy on sharing the how-to’s of styling, let me simply share a couple of things that are continuing sources of style inspiration. These are things that give me ideas on what to buy next. They help me maximize what I have in my wardrobe selection and aid in the mix and match combinations.


I gather some of you buy accessories to go with the clothes you already have but have any of you ever considered buying an accessory then use it as a foundation to build a look upon? Whenever I’m in an exploratory phase, I’d often go on frequent accessory shopping trips. This activity ushers in an inundation of styling ideas that can set me up for a season or two.

Also during this phase, I’d find myself organizing my wardrobe and accessory stash. There are times wherein I had unearthed a piece of jewelry that had been around for years but had simply forgotten. The fresh look I give an old piece can surprise me with new outfit ideas and brand new (sort of) set of looks.

Certain accessories can even have a hand in the sort of makeup that I’d wear.


Yes, think makeup. There are times you need it and there are times you don’t. However, if we’re going to talk about what works best fashionably and you’re looking to inspire your personal style, you’ll understand why you do need it.

Makeup touches on two elements about style. One is color and the other is adornment. Main function is to enhance one’s look, which ultimately supports (and sometimes dictates) one’s style.

I’d like to think that makeup is a good accessory to the clothes I wear. I admit that it can be tiresome at times but I know it helps complete a certain style that I’m working to achieve for myself so I deal with it. Yes, ladies, you do have to accept the fact that not everyone can look their utmost without exerting a little more than the usual effort.

Here’s what I think: there are certain looks that are deemed incomplete without makeup. Unfortunately, it can happen that you might end up looking too much like a fashion victim or, at the very least, your look will seem unkempt and carelessly put together if you opt to go without makeup but this doesn’t mean I’m saying you ought to always have makeup on. This will entirely depend on your personal style and the look you’re gunning for. If you do go for putting makeup on, make sure to remember that moderation is key. Keep it light during the day and go amp it at night.

Find that inspired style and like what I always tell my Style Manila readers, go have fun and experiment!

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