Georgina Wilson is just like us

MANILA, Philippines - It is perhaps redundant to say that Georgina Wilson has come to represent all of the modern Filipina’s aspirations—particularly when it comes to beauty. So when Supreme interviewed the new endorser for TRESemmé’s Split Repair hair care line, we were ready to hear a slew of expert and meticulous beauty advice from the face that has launched a thousand ad campaigns.

Instead, we found that Georgina was a lot like us. She rushed out of the house with her hair dripping wet, struggled to drink enough water, and even (gasp!) has no real interest in applying sunblock daily. The pieces of advice she shared were things she was also in the process of teaching herself. And while she firmly believes that you should be comfortable in your own skin, she still can’t help her fixation on looking like a Victoria’s Secret model.

What’s your morning regimen?

I get out of bed and say, “Oh my God, I’ve overslept.” And I just completely rush out. Probably eat breakfast in the car, grab as many things as I can remember to bring. It’s probably not the most respectable regimen, but it is what it is. I wouldn’t say I’m a morning person.

What’s your night regimen?

Well, if it’s a good night, there’s a massage involved. And when I get home, I feel like my brain’s been so overworked that I want to watch really horrible television. Usually Borgy does not like watching that so I’m like, “Please, let me watch something really dumb.” (Laughs.)

When you don’t have a glam team, how do you fix yourself up?

There’s not much fixing that goes on. When I was younger, I used to wear a lot of makeup on my own. But now, especially because putting on makeup and getting my hair done is part of one of my jobs, when I don’t have shoots I just keep my skin really fresh with moisturizer, and that’s it. And I try and do as little as possible to my hair because I don’t want to damage it, and I want to keep it really healthy. And I guess that’s why for me it’s really important for the product to do most of the work, because I don’t have the time to put that much time into my hair. I want it wash and wear, and at most I’ll have like two or three extra products probably in the car to put on really quickly.

What beauty steps do you follow religiously?

This wasn’t the case before, but I always wash off all my makeup at night. And after that, I tone and moisturize. I like doing that when I go to bed because then I feel that it sinks in forever. Night moisturization is really important to me. I actually shampoo and condition my hair every day. And to be honest, it’s like fate that TRESemmé’s product is for split end repair because I have so many split ends. And I always pick at them. It’s a really bad habit. So now that we have this new product, I’m definitely going to keep it in my car and make sure that I apply that, because it’s good for sealing and binding the hair.

My beauty regimen has to be very hassle. free, and I think it’s funny because I don’t think people think that of me when they see me on ads or whatever. You’d never think that I’m that low maintenance, but I seriously am. I think people around my life just want me to maintain a little bit more, like “Please, George (laughs).”

What beauty steps are you laziest about or don’t mind skipping?

For me, when I do moisturize I can’t go through like 10 steps — like a serum, and then an eye cream, and then a night cream or whatever. I feel like the market’s becoming too complicated. I just want one good cream, with enough benefits, and that’s it. I don’t want too many things.

Another thing that I’m particularly lazy about is that I never wear sunblock ever. I just don’t wear it. You know, whatever. And it’s bad because my skin is so fair and can really get damaged by the sun. So my moisturizer has to already have SPF.

“Your hair just says so much of the type of woman you are. It really does. It’s an expression of yourself,” says Georgina.

I also get really lazy to take vitamins, which I should be more diligent about because I want to feel healthy and good within.

I guess I’m a lazy person kasi ang daming lazy. I always say that it’s really important to be hydrated, but I never drink enough water. That’s why when I say those tips, it’s not like I do it. I’m also trying to do it.

What beauty ideals do you think are ridiculous?

I guess just looking like anybody else. You need to be comfortable with how you look. What are your assets? Obviously everyone has flaws. You just have to know how to embrace them. I’ve seen so many people online getting plastic surgery to look just like Kim Kardashian or Barbie. That’s pretty ridiculous.

Are there any beauty ideals that are probably ridiculous, but you work on anyway?

Looking like a Victoria’s Secret model. Probably ridiculous, but you know, I’m gonna aim towards it. That for me is the number one. I can’t move past that.

We live in a tropical country where women don’t mind walking out of the house with their hair still wet. How important is one’s crowning glory to the overall aesthetic?

You know, I’m completely guilty of that. I always leave my house with wet hair and stuff. It’s something that I really want to change this year, because it’s not good for you. Your hair just says so much of the type of woman you are. It really does. It’s an expression of yourself.

I guess my advice is to just give it more time. It’s advice to me and the rest of the world. Give a little bit more time to sort your hair out, and I think you’ll feel better throughout the day. ‘Cause how my hair looks and feels says so much of my personal tone, and I’m sure women can relate to that.

What style are you most partial to?

I guess anyone who follows me on Instagram knows that I am a big fan of the hair down and the bombshell look. That’s my look. And as a model you have to experiment with lots of different looks, but that’s my default.

What’s the hair maintenance step that you think Filipinas shouldn’t skip?

I guess it’s a personal thing for me that I just have so many split ends, and I think those who have longer hair can relate to this. I just don’t want to have to worry about my hair growing out in an unhealthy way. So if you’re like me and you have that same problem, I think it’s really important not to skip treating those split ends.

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Tweet the author @catedeleon.

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